About and Contact - The Wedding at Cana


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About and Contact

Manuel Lafarga
Doctor in Arts, Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV)
Doctoral Advisor, UPV
Music History and Aesthetics Professor, ISEACV Conservatories

We are a multidisciplinary Research Group led from 1996 by Manuel Lafarga Marqués, from universitary, music conservatory and artistic institutions. Our research has produced a number of academic publications, universitary courses, and some new research lines related polyphony in the Classical World. The areas of knowledge we deal with are diverse but keeping music as a common denominator, specially from the scientific perspective, through three axes: neuroscience, musicology and human evolution.
One of the backbones of our academic concerns is the phylogeny and ontogeny of the linguistic phenomenon. For  many years we have developed some of them through scientific outreach programs, with great acceptance, both from specialized students and the general public.
Some years ago, we found a critical source from pagan times related polyphonic phenomenon, drawed by Francesco de Ficoroni in 1702, and published in 1709. More recently, we have identified two relevant personages: one unknow musician depicted at the Paolo Caliari 's Wedding at Cana behind Veronense (who was not in the former versions of canvas), and the original character behind him. These new findings are actually target of our intensive research and will appear progressively in different English or Spanish publications and in our own network resources.
During last two decades, we studied both phenomena, Music and Language, as part of a common whole. The close relationships and connections between both codes focus on their universal nature, not only in humans, since their clues go back to our ancestors, and some of the involved cognitive mechanisms can be traced also in a wide range of other distant animal species.
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Music & Language Frontiers LAB
C/ Pintor Sorolla 83, 46400 Cullera
+ 34 611047119
© Manuel Lafarga & Penelope Sanz
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